International Documentary Cinematographer
Paul Watson's Foundation
Neptune's Pirates
I was the Director of Photography leading a team of three cam ops for an anti-whaling show on board the John Paul Dejoria ship, working for Captain Paul Watson's new foundation. I joined the "Operation Paiakan" & "Operation Bloody Fjords"on board of Neptune's Pirates new ship, the John Paul Dejoria. We left New York in Jun 2023, navigated across the North Atlantic Ocean reaching Iceland first and the Faroe Islands last, ending our first expedition.
Project in Production
Above is a clip I filmed of crew member and artist Simone Eisenbeiss as she is finishing a piece on a nautical chart to commemorate the 77 pilot whales slaughtered during the most recent grind in the Faroe Islands on July 9.
"It was an emotional roller coaster for the crew, but we are still here, trying to make a difference. I’m creating this artwork to honor pilot whales and their calves that suffered and died for no good reason. May they be free now,” says Simone.